Azerbaijan's Health Ministry unveils main symptoms of mpox and protection measures

The risk of contracting monkeypox is higher in people with multiple sexual partners, people with open wounds and broken skin, and people with immunodeficiency, Tayyar Eyvazov, a specialist-expert at the Ministry of Health, an infectious disease specialist told APA.

The infectious disease specialist also explained ways to protect against the virus. He noted that patients who do not require hospitalization should be isolated at home: "People infected with monkeypox, especially if they have respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath, sore throat), should wear a medical mask. If this is not possible for any reason (e.g., young children), other family members should use a medical mask when in contact with the patient.

To minimize the risk of contact with other people, patients' skin should be covered as much as possible (e.g., long-sleeved shirts, long pants, etc.). Patients, those in contact with them, and people who have come into contact with the patients' clothing, bedding, or contaminated materials should practice hand hygiene and use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. The patient's bedding, towels, and clothes can be washed in a standard washing machine without rinsing and with any detergent. The patient's eating utensils can be washed in a dishwasher or by hand with warm water and any detergent. Contaminated surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected."

Noted that the first case of monkeypox infection has been detected in Azerbaijan.

